Bringing Back the Village

discover how to create a conscious homeschooling community to raise children outside the system in deep connection with other soul families

Join us for this heart-activating opportunity to envision your unique path toward cultivating community while we clear away the limiting beliefs that have held you back from stepping into the life of your dreams!

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Do you want to build a life where you can be truly present with your children?

Does your heart ache to feel deeply held by your own real-life homeschooling village?

Are you longing for more financial freedom and abundance while being supported?

In this FREE masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • How to pave your own path outside the system without feeling isolated or overwhelmed

  • The 3 biggest mistakes you’ll encounter in stepping into your purpose & cultivating community

  • The #1 place you're leaking energy & how to shift this to become a magnet for your vision

As parents today, so many of us feel like failures because we can’t possibly do it all. We are overburdened and feel inadequate to meet all of our children’s needs by ourselves. 

Teachers are completely burnt out from trying to make a meaningful impact from within the toxic educational system. They are exhausted, feeling like their hands are tied by unsupportive administration and a rigid, impersonal educational model.

We’ve watched the broken systems that were meant to serve our families crumble before our eyes. Many of us have taken on even more personal responsibility, as we attempt to offer our children something better.

Yet, there’s no roadmap and too often we find ourselves exhausted or paralyzed by the isolation and overwhelm that comes with leaving the confines of the old paradigm.

What if you didn’t have to pave this new path alone? What if the solution you are seeking resides in your inherent human desire for connection?

We believe raising children takes a village.

We’re here to show you how you can cultivate your own conscious homeschooling community and raise and educate your children in deep connection with other soul families (while also creating financial freedom for your family!)

This Masterclass is for you if:

  • you are longing for a community that feels like home and you’re ready to leap into the deep inner work it takes to actually create it

  • you are a teacher stuck in the system, desperate to get out, but you don’t know the path forward

  • you are a stay at home, homeschooling mama who gave up your career to raise your babies, but you feel like you’ve lost yourself in the process and your ready to get back to work and get paid WHILE also being present with your children

  • you were formally in the field of education, or serving children and families in some way, and now you’d like to start your own business to serve your mission directly without the confines of the system

  • you have been traveling the world while homeschooling and you want to create an in person community to not feel so isolated in your travels

About Your Hosts

Hello! We are Kerin & Danielle. We are visionaries pioneering a new model for raising, educating, & healing our children. 

Over the last five years, we’ve grown Roots & Wings Village, a nature-based, heart-centered conscious parenting community in New York. We have now served hundreds of families with enrichment programs for homeschoolers, conscious parenting support, community ceremonies, and intentional celebrations.

Now, we want to shout from the rooftops that this is possible for you too! We work with visionaries, changemakers, new earth bringers, all over the world, as they call in their soul community and birth their own villages.

Launching our own village has allowed us to birth this new paradigm while being financially supported and truly present with our own children. Now we are here to teach you how to do the same.

  • Hi, I’m Danielle, co-founder of Roots and Wings Village. I believe it truly takes a village and that raising children in the way our contemporary society has mapped out leads to massive overwhelm and stress that ends up dramatically wounding the whole family system. We were NEVER meant to do this alone, isolated in our individual boxes.

    Because of my extensive background and experience in child development, education and therapeutically supporting hundreds of families in my career before kids, I was painfully aware of every moment when I was cutting my own children with my broken edges. The overwhelm of raising and homeschooling my own 3 young children in isolation led me to create a village for them to grow up in.

    At Roots and Wings we have succeeded in creating a thriving village to do life with. Where we can educate, heal and support each other and our families. We are beyond excited to share every detail of how we were able to get our village off the ground, while raising and being VERY present for our own young children and becoming financially free in the process.

  • Hi, I’m Kerin, co-founder of Roots and Wings Village. I’m a former librarian turned passionate alternative educator. I earned my BA from Sarah Lawrence College, where I studied child development/psychology, and I received an MLIS from St. John’s University with a specialization in youth services. Through my work in library services, community garden programs, summer camps, homeschool co-ops, early childhood centers, and Montessori classrooms, I have gained invaluable insight into the learning process.

    I co-created Roots & Wings Village in pursuit of an innovative alternative educational experience for my own two children, one that honors their inner spark. I wondered what bringing back the village could look like in our lives, longing for authentic connection and community support in motherhood and beyond. In the process of calling in my village, life as I knew it was completely uprooted. My marriage crumbled, and I moved through many death-rebirth cycles. Along the way, I’ve become relentlessly tied to my purpose, discovered abundance, overflowing joy, unconditional love, and learned to hold myself and my kids through it all.

    I’ve come to believe that everyone deserves to be held by their own village. After 5 years of cultivating our own homeschool enrichment program and conscious parenting community, Danielle and I are uniquely positioned to help others bring to life their very own villages of support. We’re eager to share the wisdom we’ve earned on our own path and help guide you on your journey to bring back the village!

Don’t miss our FREE masterclass on bringing back the village!

May 2nd @ 10am pt/ 1pm et

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